Saturday, August 11, 2018

Born to Read

Judy Sierra and Marc Brown have collaborated on quite a few children's books, all of them worth reading with your little ones. Today, in the spirit of Back-to-School preparation, here's a story about the wonders of reading.

Judy Sierra's trademark rhyming verse holds true for this book and tells us about Sam, a young reader who truly understands that being able to read is a ticket to success.

From birth, Sam's parents surround him with print and begin reading picture books to him. Unsurprisingly, Sam becomes a voracious reader. He reads in the grocery store, in the car, in the tub, and even while playing basketball. He uses his reading skills to win a bike race and declares that the secret to his win is that "Readers win and winners read."

One day, a giant baby, Grundaloon, lumbers into town and takes away all the toys. When he leaves, everyone else is relieved, but Sam worries that he will return and wreak more havoc. So he ponders and comes up with a clever, fantastical plan to make sure Grundaloon never returns.

This story can open up opportunities to talk with your class or your own children about all the things we are able to do when we can read. Older children could be invited to write a narrative fiction piece about what a day in their life (at school?) might be like if they could not read.

Take note of the books featured in the illustrations: Pat the Bunny, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Arthur, and The Cat in the Hat all make at least one appearance.

Be sure to add Born to Read to your home library collection.

Library of Congress video of Judy Sierra and Marc Brown presenting "Born to Read" at the 2008 National Book Festival

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