Wednesday, July 11, 2018

100th Post - Happy Birthday, Patricia Polacco!

Image result for patricia polacco

This incredible woman is a gifted storyteller. She has not only written and illustrated more than 115 children's books, but she is an advocate for children's rights and the plight of classroom teachers, has been a university guest lecturer, created art and literary courses for young people, hosts storytelling festivals, writers' seminars, teachers' retreats, and established an art camp in Russia.

Patricia writes what she knows. Many of her stories are based on her family and childhood. Her years of living on a Michigan farm with her Babushka are reflected in her work - folktales from her Russian and Ukranian Jewish roots, along with personal and family experiences.

Polacco has a distinctive writing style, which can best be describe as heart-warming. In fact, I have a tough time reading many of her books aloud to my classes without tearing up and, occasionally having to choke back a sob (Pink and Say, An Orange for Frankie).

If you haven't read her work, start with My Rotten Redheaded Older Brother or Thunder Cake, and be sure to make the recipe together.

Fun Fact: Polacco didn't start illustrating until she was 41 years old.
Thank you, Patricia Polacco, and Happy Birthday!
And now for my giveaway! It's taken me a while, but I finally hit 100 blog posts and I want to celebrate by giving away some of the things teachers love and based on my Instagram feed, teachers want ALL THE PENS! For the lucky winner:

To enter, comment on this blog post with your favorite Patricia Polacco book.

For additional entries:
1. Comment on any of my other blog posts - share your kid lit favorites, ways  you use kid lit in your classroom/home, favorite authors, etc...
* One entry per blog comment, one comment per post.

2. Visit my Instagram account - follow me on Instagram, like my post about this giveaway, and comment with the teacher tool you can't live without.

3. Follow By Email. You'll find this opportunity on the right side of the blog.

Deadline to enter the giveaway is Friday, July 13, noon PST.

Thank you for joining me on my journey to discover and share great children's literature! So many more books to share!


  1. The Keeping Quilt is my favorite!!!
    -Morgan from tinybodiesbighearts :)

  2. My Rotten Red Headed Brother!! :)

  3. Congrats to Morgan from tinybodiesbighearts! Thank you for entering the giveaway. DM me with your mailing address, please!
